Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Growth Pangs

Truly the problem with reading a good piece is that it rubs off on you. It is a subliminal influence which is hard to shake off. This is true about matters beyond the world of books. A strong personality certainly evokes something in us that we cannot ignore. Our yearning for individuality and untainted success is such that we revolt against any outside force however benign it may be.

In teenage, when a young mind hitherto under parental domination strives to establish its cornerstones and defines its dimensions, this manifests itself as rebellion. The fear of not having a separate identity is very close to the fear of death as both are evoked by the threat of complete annihilation. A cornered animal in mortal fear will certainly fight back. So indeed an undeveloped mind supervised relentlessly by parental figures will lash out. It merely tries to assert its freedom, its right to exist, but in the face of what it perceives as continued subjugation, violence can erupt.

The time span in which an immature mind evolves into a fully developed one varies from individual to individual. There are late bloomers and early prodigies. Some never even grow up. Most do, by the end of the turbulent teenage years. For some it extends into their 20s or even 30s but growth is a necessity and the sheer agony of it persists until the process is completed.

Ideally the sole responsibility of a parent is to provide a fertile ground in which a young mind can grow fearlessly. The parent nourishes the blooming sapling with kindness and encouragement and pours love gently in adequate measures (remember! too much water and a plant will droop down and need a permanent support). Weeding out the garden is a complex process that should be undertaken with the utmost care but it is necessary and should not be shunned for fear of hurting the plant. An impressionable mind should similarly be discouraged from wayward behavior albeit tenderly. Each mind has unique needs and great attention is required to assess its qualities and requirements. Only an adult mind can nurture a fledgling and help it reach its potential. If parenting is attempted by an immature mind, its own deficiencies will get in the way of the young one’s growth and neither will be emancipated.

A mature mind is always an inclusive one. Having shed its fear of nonexistence, it now gains the strength to observe, learn, and assimilate from other minds without bias. No opinion however divergent from its own can shake it as a might oak will not be blown away by the evening breeze. Undaunted, it welcomes all life towards it and revels in its freedom to examine each idea closely; partakes in the varied joys of nature but yet retains its unique flavor. It becomes a source of shade, strength, and refuge for all.

O tender one,
A whole new world hides within you,
That is infinite, beautiful, and true;
Shed your fears,
Wipe away your tears,
And grow towards the sun.

The whole world waits breathlessly,
For you to advance into the light;
The earth guards you in a tight embrace,
The wind flows at a soothing pace.
With kind words that nudge you along,
With small hurdles that make you fight,
All life forms hover impatiently.

O gentle unborn,
Tire not, persevere.
The magnificent watches over you,
Gracious, irresistible and true.
Clasp firmly with your tiny hands,
This refuge that is so near.
Plant your roots deep,
With generous helpful deeds.
Relentlessly toil,
Enrich the soil,
This bountiful harvest you can reap,
When at last you go to sleep.

1 comment:

Writer said...

Phew!I am completely speechless.You've immense talent in writing.So,what I cannot understand is that why you've not written a book yet.I mean it.You should start writing a book.Let me know when you do.This pieces are excellent and write more and send me.I will be your valuable critic if you can take criticism.Hehe!

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