Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

I will go to you when the weather is warm


This is the title of a Korean drama I am currently watching. Don’t worry, this article is not about how I am a self-professed K-drama addict. Anyway, suddenly I have started thinking of people in terms of seasons and weather conditions. I will try to explain this bizarre analogy that has popped into my mind.

Have you come across spring? This is when people are in full bloom and they are exuding such beauty and vitality that they are a joy to behold. We can spend a whole afternoon just gazing at their fresh visage and vivacious smile. The colours of their emotions are displayed with such vividness. The sparkle in their eyes ignites such warmth in our hearts. We wish they would linger for a while before their charms are beyond our horizon.

Then there is summer which comes calling with high temper. When things are laid bare and scorching words fly at us, we want to take shelter under a cool banyan tree. We perspire in the heat of the moment. Our hearts burn with such passion. Perhaps the gentle spatter of a summer rain can bring some coolness. May be a soft touch where our fingers meet relieves the tension. As life heats up, we want to flee but endure we must the harshness of summer so that new shades of ‘I’ can emerge.

With every rise, there is a fall. When autumn descends and people wither away, we shed tears. What was once full becomes so lean that it breaks our heart. Yet for a while, before your colours fade, let me hold you once more for another eternal moment. Let me listen to your sweet whispers before the silence sets in.

There is a sudden hail and life is drained of its serenity. Take shelter, lest these unexpected chunks of cold words smash our hearts. Let us pick up these dirty lumps and hurl them away before they become pools of slush through which we have to wade. Why hold on to something so fleeting?

Some people are like a treasure hidden away in the eye of a storm. We have to dodge many obstacles and fiery gusts of wind before we get to their heart of gold. Let us have the love and patience to see the beautiful soul amidst the spurt of fury and destruction. Don’t run away too far but stay safe until her rage abates and she shines in new splendour.

Before the harshness of winter sets in, let me melt in your balmy love and take in your flowery scent. Before the heart freezes in the brazenness of your tone, let me reminisce about these beautiful moments. As I meet your compassionate gaze, my inner landscape is lush with greenery welcoming your presence. Even in this dead of winter, I see the stirrings of life. There will be a new bloom and spring will again find its way.

See, I was not kidding when I told you that people remind me of the weather. So wait for yet a while and I will come to you when the weather is warm.


Unknown said...

So beautifully written 💕

Rani Cherian said...

This is beautiful and profound!what season do you identify with? I can see the beauty and colour of spring and the warmth of summer in you !!

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