Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Being right does not guarantee a good life

At a time when abuse victims are labeled antisocial for looking sad, when asking civic authorities to restrain rabid dogs that are eating babies is construed as animal rights violation, when Dalits protesting against discrimination are denounced as casteist n antinational, it becomes clear that being right neither guarantees justice nor peace of mind.

Complain twice about some transgression and you are sure to be blamed as suffering from a 'victim mentality.' We can cry ourselves hoarse with hurt but we can expect nothing more than being prescribed an antidepressant. So what to do, in these times, when victims are punished twice, first with the crime and then taunted for being too sensitive, impractical, and not moving on?

Are you waiting for corrective action or justice to start living n smiling again? Have you postponed your happiness expecting it to arrive when you finally extricate yourself from some sticky situation? An entire lifetime may pass you by in that state of suspended animation.

So what can we do to reclaim our lives if we cannot get justice or be saved immediately from people who hurt us?

By all means, continue to strive for justice and safety and reaching out for help but in the meanwhile there is something we can do to bring happiness back into our lives. We have to heal ourselves. By feeling our pain fully and then letting it go. We let go of our hatred to those who harm us because the hate is hurting only us and hijacking our lives. In that space of forgiveness (does not mean what was done to us was right or we are denying justice, karma wil catch up), we find our heart at ease once again. For the greatest injury that was done to us was not the abuse itself but the dis-ease (burden and hatred) that entered our hearts at the moment of abuse. By letting go, we do not do the people who hurt us any service. We save ourselves, our souls. We find the expanse in our heart, that quiet stillness in which compassion can flow again. We become the love that we need. We are no longer under anyone's control. No action of another can thwart our tranquility. We hav the peace to function at our highest level. We dont waste time or energy running stories of hurt in our heads. We hav all the energy to chase our dreams and reach our highest potential. We thrive. It is not an easy thing to do but it can be done. What other choice do we have? No one else can do it for you. You hav to feel your pain. You hav to heal your heart. You have to do your work. But at the end of it, it is worth every bit!!

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