Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Unity in Diversity

Words are inadequate to express the Supreme truth. It can cause much mischief but we as human beings cannot do without it. So, I will still attempt to explain my understanding of the truth but I apologize in advance for any misunderstanding my words could cause. Only God can forgive me.

Let us take the example of a man and a thought. A thought is not man but man can momentarily be so consumed by a thought that at times a part of him can become one with the thought but at the same time no other part of him disappears. Man has the power of thought, ability to analyze thought, witness thought, and even enjoy it.

Atman or Rooh is the individual spirit that has proceeded forth from Brahman or Allah. Atman is present in every man. The enlightened man has Ananda and his will is absolutely aligned with that of the Brahman. He is the stithaprajna or Muslim. He is unaffected by abuse or praise. The enlightened man alone can live the way it was meant to be. All discord is gone as his will is surrendered to the Brahman. He will have joy in all that he does. He has found the Kingdom of God.

As man has evolved from the manifest material universe or from the lower to upper evolution, so has other beings all of which we do not know of. Some of them especially beings of vitality (jinns) acting on their nature to survive might try to block man's progress. A man who has surrendered to God has nothing to fear but he must be on the guard and not be a fool thirsting after powers of vitality. There are also other beings (angels) already residing in superior worlds who also might exert an upward thrust to the evolution played out here. Our concern is not with them for the time being. Ours is with the Brahman or Allah or God or Lord. Thus the stress in Vedanta or Islam about not worshipping the creation but only the creator.

The right balance of intelligence, faith, bhakti, and righteous work done with detachment or love for the Lord is very important for the seeker. But ultimately only the grace of God can bring about the change.

All of the above is an amalgam of the Koran, Bhagavad-Gita, Upanishads, Bible, Buddha's teachings, Aurobindo's books, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Vivekananda, etc. etc. that I have read. I have understood things in this way.

Islam means surrender to God. Muslim means one who bows to the will of God. This is the path for me. All worship in truth is the worship of God. All beautiful names belong to God (quoted from Koran). There is great beauty in this variety as well as the oneness. In the essence of all religions is this great truth of Brahman or Jehovah or Allah.

Whenever there is need for reaffirmation of the truth, a great drought in true knowledge, he lets someone rise from mankind who will make us remember the truth. So these men who submit to the will of God have come to all civilizations from the ancient times. Krishna, Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, these are some we know of but many are whom we do not know (Peace be upon them all). They may be known as prophets, Avatars, etc. in different civilizations.

I first read the translation of Koran and in it were verses that exhorted me to read other revelations that have come before and the message that Koran contains not a new message but a reaffirmation of all that has come before. It tells me that I must respect all prophets equally and never put one above the other. It also states that anyone who believes and is righteous will find the grace of God. It specifically mentions Christians, Jews, Sabians, etc. It asks us to strive as in a race to all that is good. Leave all judgement to God. Diversity in religious beliefs is a reflection of the variety that we see in nature itself and the Koran clearly states that this is so that we can know each other (to enjoy the beauty of this rich diversity) and not despise one another.

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