A sense of foreboding engulfed me.
With a heavy heart that cannot see,
I fumbled and tumbled to flee.
Soon darkness spread across the sea.
She was buried alive and so she wept
In the tomb of rationality whilst she slept.
Her cries were muffled, secrets kept
Her appearance grew more unkempt.
She lay still in the prison of unawareness
With no space for her ebullient playfulness.
She dared not reveal her tears
Or any of her pitiful lame fears.
Yet they could not wipe her out;
With her little resources she fought.
From her courage was wrought
The blade of pain that struck
Ceaselessly until they could not ignore.
It was no longer like before.
Now her silence was no more;
Her voice steadily grew into a roar.
The blade cut swiftly through reason
Pouring forth emotions exiled for treason.
The world stood still as she spoke
Thunderously through the clouds
Of confused thinking.
The condemnation was swift;
Between companions the rift
Was complete and love sent adrift
Upon the logs of piety
To appease an unknown deity,
Where it vanished in the sea of sadness.
As the blade grew no less sharp,
A scar that they could not wrap
Bled profusely through the polite crap
Of social etiquette and cultural trap
That the world felicitated with abandon.
There was no running away
As she beckoned now and then
Relentlessly and I heeded.
I peeked at her with reluctance
Approaching her with prudence
Initially shrinking with horror
From the crimson red dark terror.
With perseverance I realized
Her beauty and compelling reality.
Every time I saw her
My heart grew softer
Until it gave way to love.
With this renewed tenderness
I gazed upon her and held her close,
Longing to be one with her.
We stayed for eternity in our embrace
Knowing that she had my own face,
Was the living embodiment of my pain,
Until all that hurt bloomed into blissful gain.