Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Breaking the racket/script system

Some stressful situation triggers racket feelings. It is happening again. All the worst thoughts r rushing into ur head. When in the grip of racket system, the scripty beliefs and thoughts strengthen. Immediately bring in body awareness and pay attention to body sensations, breath etc. If possible write down what is happening in body after first making an initial summary of what event and thoughts transpired in two sentences. Keep WITNESSING. There wil be movement of body sensations. What is happening NOW is that we are connecting with the authentic feelings repressed at the time of script formation. It was lying beneath the scripty thoughts and racket feelings. This is the original stuck energy for the release of which you have unconsciously created this situation in your life.  Stay with it. Honour it. Let ur awareness gain strength. What are the thoughts about you, others and the world? Educate yourself on what view this part of you has. Dont be attached to it. Just become aware n write it down in one or two sentences each. These ideas served u at one time. So thank that part of u but dont be attached to it. Be compassionate to yourself. Grow in understanding. Thoughts wil become fewer. As your awareness strengthens, bring in a new good thought. Do productive activities. All the while being aware of the sensations in the background. Keep at your exercises, balanced diet, daily responsibilities. Maintain witnessing the body sensations in the background. Allow it to be. Dont be in a hurry to get rid of it. Focus on new beautiful thoughts. Relax. It is happening. Let it be. In time, the energy wil be released, the fixated Child integrated. You have regained your stuck energy. You have become more powerful. Enjoy! God bless!

PS: For u to become aware in a stressful situation, u need to practice effortless moment-to-moment awareness when things are stable. So make witnessing a part of your daily life. Cultivate beautiful thoughts in the garden of your mind..

Of frogs and princes

TA claims that we are all born princes and princesses. Script-ridden people have mistakenly identified themselves as frogs having been cursed to forget their pristine identity.

Ideally TA therapy should lead to a disavowal of this false image and reclamation of the exalted true self. For this, first the script-ridden people have to be encouraged to look within themselves and become aware of the beautiful self lurking beneath the false identity. By thus shifting attention from their 'frogginess,' slowly these people recover their royal form. The frog mask withers away like a mirage. The therapist plays an important role in cultivating this shift by focusing on the princely qualities through attributions, modeling and permissions. Thus the therapist holds a very powerful position in TA group therapy. The counselees are vulnerable at this point and in a highly suggestible state.

If however, the therapist chooses to focus on their frogginess, ridiculing their green habit and warts n all, the counsellees wil start getting attached to their frog identities. The more they hate their warts and remain unaware of their princely true self, the more adamantly they will cling to their 'frogginess' and will therefore be averse to any change. Then the counselees will spend months and years cleansing their green bodies with TA tonic n shampoo and gaze wistfully at their wart-ridden bodies in the false mirror held by the therapist. No frog will turn into a prince this way. The way out is for therapists to focus on the princely qualities and point to the existence of the princely self and hold a shining mirror to this true self. Then the counselees will readily relinquish their illusory 'frogginess' and become the princes and princesses that they are.

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I look forward to reading your thoughts and gaining new ideas.