Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The reverie

The voices grew louder and louder. There were no gaps now. Spaces belonged to the soul. Mind knew neither stillness nor love. It churned out thoughts by the gazillion. The pauses were subatomic. Mind could not delve into such microscopic depths. The background of bliss was beyond detection. Fashioned from thoughts, there was the mirage of a continuous inner self. Such precious delusion that has enamoured every human! She couldn’t flee from its grip either. She eased into its familiar form. Every nook and crevice of it was comforting. Even the suffering was addictive. There was no escape from its inevitability. Millions had stumbled and fallen into the same abyss. Very few had awakened from its captivating reverie. The ones who did tried in vain to save the rest. But their efforts were met with disdain, even pure hostility. Some were crucified. Others wandered the earth and were condemned as ‘loonies.’ The virtual reality had spun its tentacles and its fascinating stories with such complexity that the web of deceit was now beyond escape. There were occasional flashes of sanity. These went unnoticed. Yet it did offer some reprieve from the unending pain of separation. Unity was a shell now cast upon the shore of life, an archaic relic that everyone shunned. To each, their own was the mantra on everyone’s lips. To compete, to divide, to fear, to control – these were the patterns that drove the dreamers. The awakened ones talked of the power of now. But dreamers shuttled from past to future and had no bearing on the present. Hooked to a constant feed of worries and anxieties, past pains and troubles, they meandered on in a haze. Thoughts and responses were now in a loop. None noticed the repetitive nature of it. Nor the preciousness of the moment. The awakened ones held their presence. Like lightening rods trying to save a collective burnout. But the voices were unrelenting. And the dreamers were hooked. Once in a while the suffering was so searing that someone woke up. As the momentum of the madness hastened, so did the frequency of those who sought to flee from its grip. These new ones would people the new earth. She however would be left behind. Because she caved in to the temptation of the abyss. She could not let go of the mirage. There were ample warnings. Her daughter was the first. But she did not heed. Now there would be no more opportunities for a while. For an eternity, she would abide in the darkness.

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