Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Top 7 thinking errors

Errors in thinking can lead to ineffective behaviour that hurt us and others. It is thus very important to identify these in ourselves. I will enumerate 7 such errors that stand in the way of a blissful life and a short explanation on why these don't work:

1. Expecting people, things and situations to be in sync with our desires and becoming resentful when they are not.

Truth: It makes no sense to resist what is already happening. Instead, flow with life.

2. Believing we will be at peace only after a certain external situation is resolved.

Truth: Peace lies within and is available each and every second. Only our thoughts hide this inner bliss.

3. We have better things to do than try to heal our own emotional pain.

Truth: We see the world through the veil of our emotional pain. Only when it is healed can we see the real world. Without knowing reality, we cannot do anything effectively. So our first priority should be self healing.

4. Focusing on the present moment is a waste of time.

Truth: The past is over. Future is yet to be. So past and future exist only as thoughts. What is real and happening NOW is the present moment. If we don't catch it, we will miss out on life itself.

5. Thinking is far too important an activity to be stopped.

Truth: 99.9℅ of thoughts are repetitive. Like an overused knife becomes blunt, an overworked mind loses its edge. When mind becomes still, it regains its agility. New thoughts and creative solutions emerge from the stillness that resides in the gap between thoughts.

6. Love is something we dole out depending on the actions and qualifications of the one to be loved.

Truth: Love is our natural state. It flows effortlessly from the depth of our being to the depth of the other person's being. When our heart is open, we are a loving presence irrespective of the other person's merits.

7. Love is equal to blind obedience.

‌Truth: Love is being true to the truth of one's own being. Saying 'no' to abuse is love. Love is allowing others to be. If they choose to be their hurtful childish self, then that means either being a loving presence that can heal their emotional pain or if that does not work, walking away from them.

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