Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Masked menace

Terrorism by definition is the unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons. Counter-terrorism measures employed by concerned governments often victimize the very citizens they must protect. Thus civilians are the casualties of both terrorism and ‘war on terrorism.’

The primary tactic of the terrorist is to locate an unsettled score and inflame passions, exploiting human frailty. The terrorist defines the identity of his victims in a manner that benefits him and tries to establish legitimacy by aligning himself with an existing benign ideology and moulding it to suit his goals thereby mutilating its fair face. Consequently he tries to generate the image of a rift between the original ideology and the targeted power structure whereas in reality none exists. This in turn maligns the former and taints the reputation of its adherents. It produces a climate that is of advantage to the terrorist in that it draws out rogue elements on the targeted side who subvert the institutions of the state which were holding them in check. They incite violent measures, which instead of containing terrorism actually oppress a hapless community and curtail civil liberties. The constant suspicion and perceived banishment from the mainstream hangs like a Damocles’ sword over the beleaguered community. Meanwhile the terrorist hides behind the garb of the ideology that it owned to serve its ends and perverts it further and finally hopes to eradicate the original values and substitute its corrupt version in its place and spread its tentacles throughout the population. The rival messiahs of hate on the opposing side are not too far behind and they too strive to overthrow the existing structures and mobilize support. Thus the innocent citizens of two communities are pitted against each other by extremists on both sides and needlessly get drawn into an endless cycle of violence.

The terrorist needs a cause to feed into the undeveloped fears and prejudices of the people. Naturally an egalitarian and prosperous society without grievances cannot become fodder for the terrorist. Strengthening the instruments of justice and welfare hampers the efforts to create strife and promotes belief in existing traditional structures like courts and governments. In short, social and economic equity and integrity is actually the greatest threat to terrorism.
Because terrorism is waged by a few erring minds, it is always impossible to completely eradicate it but instilling confidence in citizens and strengthening their hand always serves to isolate the terrorist. The terrorist should not be allowed to usurp the identity of any community and media focus should always be on exposing the true nature of the terrorist and not validating his claims.

Responsibility cannot exist where there is no freedom. When ordinary citizens are convinced that they will not have to bear the brunt of excesses on the part of governments, they will readily divulge information and become willing partners in locating illegal activities and apprehending miscreants and wiping out adequately the self-perpetuating ogre of terrorism.

Whether perpetrated by invisible individuals of a particular community or illustrious figures of the state apparatus, terrorism knows no empathy and is never justified. Power is the single-most compelling motive for terrorism. The violent acts are always committed to ensure that a few mighty can flaunt their clout, wrest complete control, stifle diversity and churn out mindless zealots in multitudes to implement a warped world view.

An idealistic and unifying vision that is at first inviting metamorphoses in the hands of the terrorist into an intolerant and elitist propaganda that knows no compassion. Truth is often the first casualty but the innocent blood that is cheaply shed leaves an unmistakable clue to the ugliness behind the alluring visage.

A conscientious media goes a long way towards ensuring that the common man is not enticed by divisive forces which promises distracting quick fixes to their daily woes. After all, as Gandhi wisely remarked “Pure goals can never justify impure or violent action.”

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