Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The story of the three vases

Once upon a time, there were three extraordinarily beautiful vases with equally exquisite lids. They were immaculate. Having fashioned them out of one of the best moulds, their maker entrusted them with the responsibility of collecting potable rainwater. He also reminded them to call him if they needed help.
Vase #1 staved off mud and grime keeping himself clean. He waited patiently for the day the rains would come but secretly he was convinced that he would not be fit for such a noble task as collecting water. He was always cautious and fearful but being proud never asked for any help. However, he was unable to collect any water. Soon he even started to wonder whether his maker had lied to him and if such an entity as rain ever existed.

Vase #2 on the other hand could not resist any content. He imbibed dust and dirt, rolled down a step or two and even broke his lid. When it rained, the water that was collected took on a brackish hue. He was very much troubled by the impurity of the water and complained constantly about the fetid rain.

Vase #3 was very humble. He tried as best as he could to keep himself neat. He remembered his maker’s words and asked for his help to remove the lid. To his astonishment, he found that it was raining all the time and how pristine the water was! Finally the sun came up and having fulfilled his duties, the vase shone with contentment and was a source of joy to all who came up to him to satisfy their thirst.
Thus ends the story of the three vases. All of us go through life hoping for peace and happiness like the elusive rainwater that the vases yearned for.

Some people like vase #1 are righteous and rigid, approaching religion with a ritualistic fervor but they never surrender to God wholeheartedly because of their pride or ego. They consider themselves self-sufficient. They remain blind to their deficiencies and instead of asking for the Almighty’s help to remove the lid that veils his grace, they lose heart and never find the joy of life. Thus as grace flows freely like the ever-pouring rain all around them, their resistance to surrender makes them unsuitable to receive it.

Another group of people like vase #2 indulges themselves freely in every desire. They pollute everything they touch and even the best of gifts will for them become a horrible burden. They go through life cribbing about the unfairness of life and will never perceive that their own unhealthy views alone distort the unflawed landscape.

A few are like vase #3, the grateful ones who submit to the will of God. They are aware of their faults and strive incessantly to purify themselves but they also know that God alone with his abundant grace can bring about true transformation. With humility and devotion they serve and obey God. They have joy in all that they do having been blessed with true vision and becoming a fount of ecstasy to all that come to them.

The question is which vase would you like to be?


Writer said...

I think I am like Vase #3 and so are u.

peace said...

nice story, and a nice moral.

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