Mind is turbulent like wind but when held immobile through powerful concentration can unlock the secrets of the universe.

This is a rendezvous for contemplating about human existence, mysteries of the mind, and importance of wisdom in daily life. Perhaps when we look at the larger picture, when we are reminded of the true meaning of life, we can strive for a better world filled with understanding, mutual respect and peace.

Friday, April 11, 2008


I recently watched a video on YouTube called Fitna by Geert Wilders, a Dutch parliamentarian. It was forwarded to me by one of my friends.

The video consists of readings of the Koran interspersed with violent images of terrorism and the point that the author wants to convey is that the ‘objectionable material’ that he quotes from the Koran should be deleted from it. He wants to make a direct link between violence and the core teachings of Islam. He also exhorts ‘others’ to defend their ‘freedom.’

As the Koran has taught me that all people are entitled to their opinions and judgment is better left to God, I do not judge him and I accept his right to have his own views.

I have been reading pages from the Koran daily for years now, more than a decade, and as of yet I have not found anything that incites spite or hatred or violence. If anything, it has only encouraged me to read other scriptures like Bible, Upanishads, Vedas, etc. and enhanced my respect for Jesus, Moses, Rama, Krishna, (peace be upon them) etc.

The Holy Koran was revealed to the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and it was written down and compiled under his supervision during his own lifetime. It is the cornerstone of Islam and contains wisdom, guidance, warnings, and glad tidings. It is a call to worship one God and lead a life of righteousness. It is the one book that even power-hungry Mullahs or unscrupulous opponents have not been able to corrupt. If given a chance, the wolves will rush in to circumvent matters to suit their desires.

As was the case with most prophets, when Prophet Mohammed started preaching his message, there was wide-spread opposition. He had to suffer much humiliation and torture in the hands of the nonbelievers and there were attempts on his life but he always bore them with patience and never lost his temper. It was when the believers were forced out of their homes and had to fear for their lives that they were exhorted by Almighty God through the Koran to defend themselves.

Now we come to the verses that are read in the video -

1. Sura 8 verse 60 – It deals with those who betray after entering into an agreement of peace and break it often so Almighty God says that it is better to throw the covenant back at them and fight on equal terms. It is immediately followed by verse 61 which of course Mr. Wilders does not quote viz – “But if the enemy inclines towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things).”

2. S4 v56 –– This verse which Mr. Wilders wants to insinuate is a call for violence is actually only a description of the condition of people in hell. It is followed by description of the condition of people in heaven – “garden with rivers flowing …” which he does not quote.

3. S47 v4 –– This is a verse (Chapter is called Mohammed) addressed to the prophet advising him on how to behave during a war waged by those who hinder men from the path of God. Followed by “Thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens.”
“And We shall try you until We test those among you who strive their utmost and persevere in patience; and We shall try your reported (mettle).”

The point is that it is possible to make at any juncture a similar video about any religious or nonreligious doctrine. This is not because any ideology is at fault. It is because there will always be people amidst us who are willing to resort to violence either for power or other reasons and they like to parade their ideologies as the reason for their own weaknesses. Fortunately those who really live by their ideologies and lead peaceful lives far outnumber them.

So Muslim brothers if you are reading this, please do not waste your time protesting against the video, just lead your normal lives in accordance with the Koran and show the world the beauty of Islam through your humble and peaceful lives.


Unknown said...

This is really an eye opener for people who do not understand the core of the religion.
However i am reminded of the recent news item about a Muslim writer who brought out a comic strip with 99 superheroes called The 99. One of his readers commented how she was "shocked" as one of females in the comic said she was going to read Koran even though her head was not covered.To this he replied,"Why? Do people remember God ONLY when their heads are covered? Madam,the Islam i know ,there is no ONE way of remembering GOD, there are 99!!

Unknown said...

The all inclusive nature of Islam is evident from the fact that it encourages its followers to read the scriptures and great books of all religions .The fault therefore lies not with the teachings of the religion ,for all religions teach love and compassion ,but with those who misrepresent religion.I feel the more you are spiritual ,the more it liberates you ,lightens you of your baggage and makes you a happier and loving person. But ironically everywhere in every religion you find self appointed Safe keepers of the faith  thrusting down people's throat Do's and Don'ts  that don't make any sense.So i think its for people of every faith to believe in the inherent teachings of compassion,wisdom and oneness in their religion and reject such leaders who preach or represent their religion otherwise.For, the moment they start talking of hatred and death and bloodshed of innocents, each one of us should know thats NOT MY religion!!

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