I was enjoying the laziness of this Sunday morning, wading in its soothing vibrations, when this thought occured to me. How we choose to experience our karma is quite akin to what we will decide to do with an apple that is falling towards our head after we have thrown it upwards.
Some of us may have compared karma to Newton's third law of motion. Therefore, the energies that we put forward come back with the same force. Quite like an apple we have thrown overhead.
Someone asked me the other day of what happens to the karma of those who repent their sins. It must have stayed in my unconscious like a germ and now suddenly the answer sprouted in the calm air of an unhurried morning. Well, if you throw an apple upwards and you become aware of what you did and become well prepared for its return, you could catch the apple in a basket and bite into its sweet deliciousness. If you keep denying you threw an apple straight up into the sky and stood where you were vehemently, it just falls on your head and voila, you know what that entails. With awareness of our behavioural patterns, come fresh choices like the cool breeze of this blessed morning.